Send More Data to Your ESP 📩

Now you can send the lead data you have in your SiteData Data Layer to your ESP with each signup. For example, you can send the basket value, the number of pages shown, time spent on the page, and so on to your ESP along with your new signups.

Simply visit the mapping step of your integration setup and use SiteData merge tags as custom fields. Submit more information to your ESP about your new signups. 😎

SiteData Input Field Merge Tags 🤓

Now you can use the visitor data you have in your SiteData Data Layer to prefill your campaign’s input fields. For example, if you already have the visitor’s first name in your SiteData storage, pre-populate the name field in your campaigns with that information, so they don’t need to spend time on that. This means a faster signup process for your visitors and higher conversions for your campaigns. 🚀

To use SiteData merge tags, click the input field you want to pre-populate and use the option called “Change Value Attribute."

Analytics Cache 📈

With this update, we start storing your campaign data in your browser after login. This means you’ll access your Analytics data much faster in the Dashboard and on “My Campaigns.” 🚀
You can see when your data is last updated and simply click the “Refresh Data” button to get the latest numbers.

Impression Limit

Running several campaigns on your domains? Now you can set an overall limit to how many times your campaigns will show in one session. When a visitor reaches the total impression limit, they won't see any other campaigns on your site during that session. Ideal for those who run multiple campaigns on several domains.

You can set a limit for individual domains or use the "Default Impression Limit" option to set a total limit for all your domains.

Need an exception? Don't worry. You can easily set a campaign to ignore this limit on "Advanced Options" in the Campaign Builder.

Custom Fonts

Now you can upload custom fonts to your account and use them across your Sleeknote campaigns. Ideal for aligning your campaigns with your website design and brand identity.

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